
Alle onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten van Topsector Agri & Food vallen binnen de missie van de Kennis- en Innovatieagenda Landbouw, Water, Voedsel die in samenspraak met de Topsector Tuinbouw & Uitgangsmaterialen en de Topsector Water & Maritiem is ontwikkeld. Deze Kennis- en Innovatieagenda richt zich op zes missies:

  • Kringlooplandbouw
  • Klimaatneutrale landbouw en voedselproductie
  • Klimaatbestendig landelijk en stedelijk gebied
  • Gewaardeerd, gezond en veilig voedsel
  • Duurzame en veilige Noordzee en andere wateren
  • Nederland is en blijft de best beschermde en leefbare delta
  • Sleuteltechnologieën


AF-17003 |Effect van de bodem op weerbaarheid van aardappelknollen tegen biotische stress
AF-17013 | Landbouw als vliegwiel voor de energietransitie
AF-17021 |Verbeteren van de kringloopwijzer
AF-17023 | Greenwell
AF-17027| Circulaire bio-economie
AF-17059 | 1H4F Biggen in transitie
AF-17060 | 1H4F Duurzame beheersing van kiemgetal in geitenmelk
AF-17065 | Belang van vastlegging van koolstof in de bodem voor mitigatie van broeikasgassen
AF-17066 | Effect van mestvergisting op emissies van broeikasgassen uit mest
AF-17106 | Regenerative Farming


AF-16017 | Verbeteren dierenwelzijn tijdens CO2 verdoven
AF-16020 | Myanmar Sustainable Soil Initiative
AF-16022 | Breed4Food
AF-16044 | Eel Reproduction Innovation Centre
AF-16053c | Opfokzeugen in opleiding
AF-16053d | LED-licht in de stal
AF-16064 | Beter bodembeheer
AF-16067 | Smart Tools voor Vitale Varkens
AF-16117 | Enhancing the South Korean pig supply chain
AF-16123 | Feed4Foodure 2
AF-16134 | Ondergronds-bovengrondse interacties
AF-16137a | Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen – 2
AF-16161 | 1H4F – Risk-based monitoring van toxoplasmose
AF-16162 | 1H4F – Biomarkers voor welzijn van melkvee
AF-16173 | Early nutrition and feather pecking behaviour in mature laying hens
AF-16174 | Energy evaluation of fish feeds
AF-16178 | Insectenproducten als innovatieve veevoerconcepten
AF-16182 | Innovatief integraal houderijsysteem voor zeugen, biggen en vleesvarkens
AF-16183 | 1H4F – Lactatie op Maat
AF-16185 | 1H4F-Kansen voor het Kalf in de Keten
AF-16186 | Gewasbescherming Robuust Optimaal Economisch & Natuurlijk (GROEN)
AF-16200 | Verkenning kalf bij de koe
AF-16202 | Seaweed for food and feed
AF-16203 | Center for Development of Potato Industry Tanzania
AF-16204a | Gezondheid voor mens en dier door systeemverandering in de pluimveehouderij
AF-16204b | Praktijkcentrum emissiereductie veehouderij


AF-15203 | Healthy Bones
AF-15208 | Science supported business initiatives to secure food and a profitable potato value chain in Myanmar
AF-15221 | Duurzame Zuivelketen 2.0
AF-15223 | 1H4F-Vitaal & gezond kalf in een duurzame veehouderij
AF-15225 | 1H4F-Fight Flu
AF-15227 | 1H4F – Integrale aanpak van preventie en bestrijding van Streptococcus suis infecties in de varkenshouderij
AF-15234 | Innovatieprogramma gezondheid en welzijn van parkgehuisveste konijnen
AF-15252 | Systeemoplossing ziekten en plagen in bioglasgroenten
AF-15257 | Breeders in Balance
AF-15261 | Sturen op bodemweerbaarheid door toediening van organische materialen
AF-15284 | Ruwvoerproductie en bodemmanagement


AF-14201 | Robust broilers 4 healthy humans
AF-14209 | 1H4F Vroegdetectieafwijkingen productie pluimveehouderijbedrijven
AF-14210 | 1H4F Reduction of ESBL’s; Evaluation of ESBL interventions
AF-14212 | 1H4F Chlamydia en respiratoire problemen in pluimvee
AF-14213 | 1H4F – modelleringsstudie IBR/BVD eradicatie
AF-14215 | Breed&Feed4Food
AF-14244 | Environmental Dairy Design for ’20
AF-14247 | Sino Dutch Dairy Development Centre
AF-14267 | Towards a longer lifespan
AF-14297 | Romania – From 1 million up to 2.5 million tons of milk in 2020
AF-14316 | Innovatief Mycoplasma synoviae onderzoek
AF-14321 | Fish silage, from waste to wealthy proteins for animal and fish feed production
AF-15102 | Ruwvoerproductie en bodemmanagement
AF-15104 | Biologische varkens zonder ingrepen
AF-15105 | Vermindering fosforexcretie door biologisch gehouden varkens en pluimvee
AF-15106 | Aanvullend werkplan bodem


AF-14102 | Weerbaarheid door biodiversiteit
AF-14103 | Geïntegreerde bestrijding van bodemziekten in bio grondgebonden kasteelten
AF-14104 | Alternatieve eiwitbronnen
AF-14108 | Integrale diergezondheid: leverbot en maagdarmwormen
AF-14111 | Inrichting van de (overdekte) kippenuitloop, AI-risico en schade door roofdieren


AF-12012 | Samenwerkende varkenshouderijketen
AF-12015 | Duurzame viskweek in Ghana
AF-12018 | Breed4Food
AF-12030 | PotatoGAP in China
AF-12039-a | Feed4Foodure – A
AF-12039-b | Feed4Foodure – B
AF-12047 | Verzekerde groei: Burundi Kenia
AF-12048 | Poultry4Food
AF-12054a | Duurzame Bodem
AF-12054c | Precieze data voor de keten – beregening
AF-12054d | Programma Akkerbouw- IJKakker
AF-12064 | Vealsystems4Food
AF-12067 | One Health for Food
AF-12068 | Duurzame konijnenhouderij
AF-12074 | Kleine Herkauwers
AF-12101 | Duurzame palmolie
AF-12123 | Duurzame Zuivelketen
AF-12178 | Meerwaarde Mest en Mineralen
AF-12226 | Waardevermeerdering aardappelketen India en Ethiopië
AF-12506 | Utillisation of trace elements in animal diets
AF-12516 | Reductie van de methaanemissie bij melkkoeien


AF-11001 | Verduurzaming van Nederlandse cacao- en koffie-import

Seed Money Projecten

SMP-18003 | Mex-Chain(ge) Building an efficient and sustainable avocado supply chain Mexico-Europe
SMP-18004 | Introduction of innovative broiler houses in Indonesia for a healthier future
SMP-18007 | Insects for Africa: Developing business opportunities for insects in animal feed in Eastern Africa
SMP-18009 | Iran potato value chain project (Iran Potato)
SMP-18017 | Fish feeding demo trials to strengthen aquaculture sector in Benin
SMP-18018 | Automated Inspection of JApanese POtato TUber quality (AIJA-POTU)
SMP-18022 | Future-proof cashew production in Vietnam

SMP-17002 | Food Insight urban China
SMP-17004 | Towards the development of a sustainable and effective eradication programme of Avian Influenza in Mexico
SMP-17005 | Feasibility of sound animal-based welfare criteria for farmed pangasius and Atlantic salmon
SMP-17006 | Development and dissemination of sustainable pig development strategies in India
SMP-17009 | Fresh4Later, Valorisation of food surplus retains nutrients and taste, strengthen smallholder farmer position and contribute to food & nutrition security
SMP-17015 | CocoPallet International BV
SMP-17021 | A new business platform for application of Smart Farming Technology in Thailand
SMP-17016 | Livestock waste is gold
SMP-17018 | Upgrading and valorising nutrients from oil palm biomass and Palm Oil Mill Effluent

SMP-16002 | Coffee pulp from environmental hazard to valuable feedstock
SMP-16007 | Feasibility study on Developing High Quality Food Concepts in a Sino-Dutch Meat Centre
SMP-16013 | International Poultry Expertise Centre (IPEC) for safe food production, part I – OneHealth focus
SMP-16015 | Adaptation of Dutch livestock manure treatment system into Chinese situation
SMP-16018 | Controlling safety of the Chinese feed supply chain
SMP-16019 | Poultry Production Green Chain Revolution for China
SMP-16022 | A new business case for Dutch smart potato production technology in China
SMP-16028 | Exploring possibilities to strengthen the Iranian dairy chain
SMP-16035 | Feasibility study Public Private Partnership collaboration with the World Bank India
SMP-16036 | Personalized Nutrition & Health in China
SMP-16045 | Monk Fruit – a natural high potency low calorie sweetener
SMP-16047 | Nutritional Support of Global Health by production of Bittergourd in Vietnam
SMP-16051 | Improving local production-distribution chains and creating export possibilities for small (organic) banana farmers in Indonesia

SMP-150200 | Feeding China Sustainably with Precision Livestock Farming
SMP-150202 | In2Poultry
SMP-150206 | Food processing facilities in rural India
SMP-150207 | Sustainable intensification of dairy production in India
SMP-150210 | Export of Dutch fresh fruits to distant markets (China)
SMP-150211 | Professionalization of the Aquaculture Industry in Ghana and Nigeria
SMP-150213 | Mexico Cold Chain Pilot Program
SMP-150215 | ProEnto

SMP-142004 | Africa Silaga
SMP-142005 | Integrated Aqua-Agriculture using brackish groundwater in Egypt
SMP-142006 | Improving technology of potato production, harvesting and storage in Russia
SMP-142014 | Assessment of the business potential of innovative Dutch technology in broiler production systems in the Russian poultry meat consumption market
SMP-142015 | How to improve the production performance, health situation and sustainability of pig production in South Korea
SMP-142017 | Professionalizing small scale pig farming in Eastern Europe – pilot Romania
SMP-142019 | Agrologistics and post-harvesting Brazil
SMP-142022 | REduced Methane Emission DairY stable as contribution to sustainable development and as a promising export product
SMP-142023 | Organic fertilizers for disease-resilient banana production
SMP-142026 | Israel-Palestine Authority-Egypt: Dates value chain development
SMP-142028 | Ghana Post-Harvest Innovation Centre

SMP-132001 | Identification of business models for the engagement of Dutch sector in the Chinese dairy markets
SMP-132002 | Launch of Dairy Innovation Centre (DIC) in China, focussed at milk production, as a pilot for extension
SMP-132003 | Feasibility of support from a Dutch private-public cooperation for a pig genetic programme for the Bright Food Group
SMP-132004 | Adaptation of Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS) for fish culture in Africa
SMP-132006 | Engagement of Dutch agribusiness in development Agropark Gauteng South Africa
SMP-132007 | Identification of business opportunities of Dutch companies and institutions in the Brazilian dairy cluster in the state of Minas Gerais
SMP-132008 | Demand driven knowledge: identification of concrete business leads and business model in the Belgorod region, Russia

MIT projecten

MTRLA-16006 | De MobiGoat
MTRLA-16116 | Integrale aanpak voor detectie, preventie en bestrijding Coccidiose
MTRLA-16118 | Ontwikkeling biologische oplossing ter bestrijding van vrijlevende- en plant parasitaire aaltjes in de akkerbouw

MTH-16117 | Prefab koude mono-vergisting
MTH-16260 | Haalbaarheidsstudie biologische bestrijdingsstrategie

MIT-16003 | Vermindering biggensterfte
MIT-16004 | Proefstal van de toekomst voor gespeen
MIT-16005 | Ontwikkeling van een hightech oesterfarm op land
MIT-16006 | ‘TOOM’ – BigData loggingsysteem voor de vrije kraamzeug
MIT-16007 | REDUCE
MIT-16008 | Het dier centraal
MIT-16011 | Geautomatiseerd oogsten en transporteren van chrysanten naar de verwerkingshal

MIT-15002 | UltraCrop 2
MIT-15004 | Easy Silage
MIT-15005 | Voedselproductie op verzilte bodem

MITAF-14084 | Intell-ID
MITAF-14086 | Introductie van plant-specifieke resources-huishouding

MIT-13005 | Ultracrop
MIT-13006 | Schoon drinkwater in pluimveestal
MIT-13007 | Feasibility study development digestible baby food for China
MIT-13013 | Campylobacter onder de duim
MIT-13014 | Gezondere kuikens met minder antibiotica

FNDM-130028 | Agrisen – Pilot for agricultural crop monitoring using new sentinel radar satellites
FNDM-130042 | Natuurlijke antistoffen ter vervanging van preventieve antibiotica

FNDH-130043 | Natuurlijk antimicrobieel middel met bioactieve stoffen

FNDM-120006 | Waterefficiëncy in de agroketen
FNDM-120019 | Volautomatisch voersysteem

FNDH-120016 | Mestrobot
FNDH-120020 | Antimastitis-spray

NWO projecten

NWO-15001 | Regulation of glandular trichome formation in tomato
NWO-15001 | Harnessing the soil microbiome for improved stress tolerance in crop plants
NWO-15003 | Unravelling Tsw-mediated resistance and the interplay with the innate immunity modulator NSs of Tomato spotted wilt virus, a plant-infecting bunyavirus
NWO-15004 | Master old resistance in new tomatoes: transcriptional control of metabolite production by small RNAs
NWO-15005 | Vital soils for sustainable intensification of agriculture
NWO-15006 | Biological control of the new invasive pest species Spotted Wing Drosophila
NWO-15007 | Boosting the efficacy of biological control agents of citrus mealybugs through olfactory conditioning
NWO-15009 | Exploitation of Copy Number Variation for rapid improvement of abiotic stress tolerance in crops
NWO-15012 | Improving lung health by carbohydrate-directed changes in intestinal microbiota in calves

NWO-14002 | Unravelling the mechanisms underlying health and productivity promoting agricultural practices by fine-mapping rhizosphere communities
NWO-14003 | The relative importance of wild pollinators as an agricultural input in seed production
NWO-14004 | More roses for less: Balancing between crop production, fungal diseases and energy use in greenhouses
NWO-14005 | A biodiversity approach to develop multispecies microbial inoculants for sustainable crop protection
NWO-14007 | Clever Cover Cropping: Synergistic Mixtures for Sustainable Soils
NWO-14008 | Linking aboveground-belowground interactions and plant-soil feedback to improve pest control and sustainability in greenhouse cutflowers
NWO-14009 | SQUASH: a Soil Quality Universally Applicable Soil Health assessment system
NWO-14011 | Dose-Dependent BABY BOOM function

NWO-13005 | Stimulating early foraging in piglets to accelerate their development and improve their performance around weaning
NWO-13006 | Optimizing flock health and performance by influencing Immune Responsiveness and the gut Microbiome by nutritional interventions in Broilers (FIRM-Broilers)
NWO-13007 | Transgenerational nutrition-based gastro-intestinal health promotion in agricultural animal husbandry
NWO-12008 | Bioflocs, the key to feed fish more with less
NWO-14010 | Green aquafeeds: unlocking non-starch polysaccharides to improve feed utilization and probiotic benefits

NWO-12001 | Nieuwe detectiesystemen van planten voor ziekteresistentie
NWO-12002 | Linking local and landscape scale trophic interactions for plant-induced biological control of insect pests
NWO-12003 | Optimizing light-harvesting with directed evolution
NWO-12004 | Ontwikkeling van nieuwe onderzoeksmethoden voor infectieziekten bij dieren
NWO-12005 | Bladharen die de biologische bestrijding van plagen op tomaat eenvoudiger maken
NWO-12006 | Parasitic nematodes modulate common protease-based activation of host innate immunity in plants and animals
NWO-12007 | Ontwikkeling van de Bodem Conditie Score als stimulans voor een duurzame landbouw

EU projecten

AF-EU-17007 | Gentore
AF-EU-17008 | SusPigSys
AF-EU-17009 | EUPig
AF-EU-17010 | Freewalk
AF-EU-17011 | Inno4Grass
AF-EU-17013 |Legvalue
AF-EU 17025 | TransVac2
AF-EU-17026 | Medaid
AF-EU-17027 | VetBioNet
AF-EU-17028 | Agrilink
AF-EU-17030 | Fairway
AF-EU-17031 | IWMPraise
AF-EU-17034 | Systemic
AF-EU-17035 | Plaid
AF-EU-17036 |Aquaexcel
AF-EU-17038 |Pigs
AF-EU-17039 | EnergyKeeper
AF-EU-17041 | Vivaldi

AF-EU-16009 | EuroDairy
AF-EU-16013 | Smart AKIS

AF-EU-15006 | SAPHIR
AF-EU-15021 | RECARE
AF-EU-15022 | Zoonoses Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI)
AF-EU-15028 | Hennovation
AF-EU-15029 | AnimalChange (AN Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation options for sustainable Livestock production under climate CHANGE)
AF-EU-15030 | Bright Farm by Precision Livestock Farming
AF-EU-15035 | SIGMA: Mondiale monitoring landbouwproductie
AF-EU-15040 | iSQUAPER: Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China

AF-EU-14001 | VMERGE
AF-EU-14009 | EFFORT
AF-EU-14015 | FLINT, providing a data-infrastructure
AF-EU-14019 | Feed-a-Gene

AF-EU-13018 | Interplay

SBIR projecten

SBIR-14001 | Hoogwaardig visvoeringrediënt uit reststroom
SBIR-14002 | Ketengeoriënteerde aardappelopslag Smart-Control
SBIR-14003 | Organic Growbags
SBIR-14004 | Antimicrobiële peptiden uit reststroom van vetverwerkende industrie
SBIR-14005 | Groen fosfaat; de nieuwe meststof uit gerecycled fosfaat