AF-15271 | Mest vol waarden II

admin2016, Kernthema Circulair, Project, TKI-projecten

Projecttitel: Mest vol waarden II Projectnummer: AF-15271 Kernthema: Circulair Looptijd: 2016 – 2019 Budget publiek: € 50.000 Budget privaat: € 50.000 Projectleider: Luuk Gollenbeek Projectpartners: Ducares, St. Brancheorganisatie Kalversector, Wageningen University & Research Samenvatting Het project Mest vol … Read More

SMP-HT-1608 | Development of robot technology to remove manure from animal friendly pig housing systems with outside yard

admin2016, Kernthema Slimme Technologie, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Development of robot technology to remove manure from animal friendly pig housing systems with outside yard Projectnummer: SMP-HT-1608 Kernthema: Slimme Technologie Looptijd: 2016 Budget: € 48.000 Kennisinstelling: Wageningen UR Projectpartners: Livar, TU/E, Livestock Robotics Samenvatting … Read More