SMP-17004 | Towards the development of a sustainable and effective eradication programme of Avian Influenza in Mexico

admin2017, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Mexico, Missie D, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Towards the development of a sustainable and effective eradication programme of Avian Influenza in Mexico Projectnummer: SMP-17004 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: Mexico Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 40.000 Projectleider: Jean Rummenie Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research Projectpartners: Agrimex Holanda, Dutch embassy … Read More

SMP-17005 | Feasibility of sound animal-based welfare criteria for farmed pangasius and Atlantic salmon

admin2017, Aquacultuur, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie E, Project, SMP-projecten, Vietnam

Projecttitel: Feasibility of sound animal-based welfare criteria for farmed pangasius and Atlantic salmon Projectnummer: SMP-17005 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: Vietnam Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 39.000 Projectleider: Emiel Beekwilder Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research Projectpartners: Albert Heijn, Dutch Society for the … Read More

SMP-17006 | Development and dissemination of sustainable pig development strategies in India

admin2017, India, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie D, Project, SMP-projecten, Veehouderij

Projecttitel: Development and dissemination of sustainable pig development strategies in India Projectnummer: SMP-17006 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: India Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 40.000 Projectleider: Johannes Drees Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research Projectpartners: Animal Health Service, Arohan, De Heus, Hendrixgenetics, ICCO … Read More

SMP-17009 | Fresh4Later, Valorisation of food surplus retains nutrients and taste, strengthen smallholder farmer position and contribute to food & nutrition security

admin2017, Biobased, Kenya, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie B, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Fresh4Later, Valorisation of food surplus retains nutrients and taste, strengthen smallholder farmer position and contribute to food & nutrition security Projectnummer: SMP-17009 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: Kenya Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 40.000 Projectleider: Wilco Vermeer Kennisinstelling: Wageningen … Read More

SMP-17015 | CocoPallet International BV

admin2017, Biobased, Indonesia, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie B, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: CocoPallet International BV Projectnummer: SMP-17015 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: Indonesië Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 40.000 Projectleider: Michiel Vos Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research Projectpartners: CocoPallet, Coconut consultant, GoodHout, MOVI Charcoal Furnaces, Van der Knaap Group. Samenvatting The coconut palm … Read More

SMP-17016 | Livestock waste is gold

admin2017, China, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Mestverwaarding, Missie A, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Livestock waste is gold Projectnummer: SMP-17016 Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal Land: China Looptijd: 2017 Budget: € 40.000 Projectleider: Epi Postma Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research Projectpartners: Agrifirm Plant BV, B&E BV, Chinese company World Farming, Chinese institute Heilongjiang AnimalHusbandry Main Station Deputy station, Nijhuis Water … Read More