NWO-15011 | Toward controlled steering of microbiota and immunity in infants by non- digestible carbohydrates and its degradation products

admin2016, Kernthema Gezond en Veilig, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Toward controlled steering of microbiota and immunity in infants by non- digestible carbohydrates and its degradation products Projectnummer: NWO-15011 Kernthema: Gezond en Veilig Looptijd: 2016-2020 Budget: € 500.000 Projectleider: Prof. dr. P. de Vos … Read More

NWO-14002 | Unravelling the mechanisms underlying health and productivity promoting agricultural practices by fine-mapping rhizosphere communities

admin2015, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Unravelling the mechanisms underlying health and productivity promoting agricultural practices by fine-mapping rhizosphere communities Projectnummer: NWO-14002 Kernthema: Resource efficiency Looptijd: 2015 – 2019 Budget: € 640.000 Projectleider: Dr. ir. J. Helder … Read More

NWO-15018 | Pseudo hypoxia as a target for improving muscle mitochondrial fitness with mito-active food components during aging

admin2016, Kernthema Gezond en Veilig, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Pseudo hypoxia as a target for improving muscle mitochondrial fitness with mito-active food components during aging Projectnummer: NWO-15018 Kernthema: Gezond en Veilig Looptijd: 2016 – 2020 Budget: € 250.000 Projectleider: Jaap Keijer Projectpartners: Nutricia Research, … Read More

NWO-15003 | Unravelling Tsw-mediated resistance and the interplay with the innate immunity modulator NSs of Tomato spotted wilt virus, a plant-infecting bunyavirus

admin2016, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Unravelling Tsw-mediated resistance and the interplay with the innate immunity modulator NSs of Tomato spotted wilt virus, a plant-infecting bunyavirus Projectnummer: NWO-15003 Kernthema: Resource efficiency Looptijd: 2016 – 2020 … Read More

NWO-13006 | Optimizing flock health and performance by influencing Immune Responsiveness and the gut Microbiome by nutritional interventions in Broilers (FIRM-Broilers)

admin2014, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Optimizing flock health and performance by influencing Immune Responsiveness and the gut Microbiome by nutritional interventions in Broilers (FIRM-Broilers) Projectnummer: NWO-13006 Kernthema: Resource Efficiency Looptijd: 2014 – 2019 Budget: € … Read More

Sbir oproep: plantaardige eiwitten op het bord


Het ministerie van EZ heeft binnen de SBIR-subsidieregeling een oproep geplaatst voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe producten op basis van plantaardige eiwitten. Met de regeling kunnen ondernemers subsidie ontvangen voor … Read More