NWO-15007 | Boosting the efficacy of biological control agents of citrus mealybugs through olfactory conditioning

admin2016, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Boosting the efficacy of biological control agents of citrus mealybugs through olfactory conditioning Projectnummer: NWO-15007 Kernthema: Resource efficiency Looptijd: 2016-2020 Budget: € 272.000 Projectleider: Prof. dr. L.E.M. Vet Kennisinstelling: NIOO Projectpartners: BioBee … Read More

NWO-14008 | Linking aboveground-belowground interactions and plant-soil feedback to improve pest control and sustainability in greenhouse cut-flowers

admin2015, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, NWO-projecten, Project

Projecttitel: Linking aboveground-belowground interactions and plant-soil feedback to improve pest control and sustainability in greenhouse cut-flowers Projectnummer: NWO-14008 Kernthema: Resource efficiency Looptijd: 2015 – 2017 Budget: € 279.960 Projectleider: Dr. T.M. Bezemer … Read More