AF-16504 | Anabolic properties of plant-based proteins

admin2016, Kernthema Gezond en Veilig, Project, TKI-projecten

Projecttitel: Anabolic properties of plant-based proteins
Projectnummer: AF-16504
Missie: Gewaardeerd, gezond en veilig voedsel
MMIP: Gezonde voeding, een makkelijke keuze (D2)
Looptijd: 2016 – 2019
Budget publiek: € 660.000
Budget privaat: € 660.000
Projectleider: Luc van Loon
Projectpartners: Cargill, Kellogg, Tereos Syral, TiFN, UM

More than half of the total amount of dietary protein that is consumed by humans worldwide is of plant origin, with plant based proteins providing up to 80% of dietary protein consumed in less developed regions. Overall it is assumed that plant based proteins are less potent in stimulating post-prandial muscle protein synthesis. However, the anabolic properties of the main plant based protein sources have hardly been assessed. This project will investigate the anabolic properties of a selection of plant based protein sources and a key reference protein. After the evaluation of the nitrogen content and amino acid profiles of the main plant based proteins, a selection will be tested for their capacity to stimulate post-prandial muscle protein synthesis in vivo in humans. Furthermore, protein blends will be defined and tested for their combined anabolic properties. This project will bring together key players in the nutrition industry to evaluate the anabolic properties of plant based proteins and develop novel concepts for more sustainable protein consumption in both health and disease.


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