Projecttitel: I3 Food
Projectnummer: AF-EU-15009
Kernthema: Gezond en Veilig
Looptijd: 2015 – 2018
Projectleider: Ariette Matser
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University & Research
The main objective of i³-Food is the implementation of 3 prioritised innovative food processing technologies by validation of optimum process control under industrial conditions:
1. Pulsed Electric Field preservation of liquid food products;
2.High pressure thermal sterilization and
3. Low shear extrusion of cold food products. A congeneric set of both technical (missing online sensors) and process conditioned bottlenecks (missing application of HACCP concept) does exist which hinders their uptake by industry and in the market. Therefore, optimum process control will be achieved in i³-Food leading to application under real life operating conditions by demonstrating and piloting in a near to operational environment of applicable validation systems for each technology.
6 well selected industry partners, thereof 4 SMEs, strongly support the approach and contribute as technology provider or technology applicant. For rapid and easy market uptake an analysis of the innovation environment and identification of opportunities will be performed as well as road-mapping for market penetration per technology.
This integrated approach will provide maximal synergies in between the 3 technologies. Application opportunities beyond the known use cases will be explored. A scientific and cutting edge strategy for overcoming the market barriers ensuring rapid and maximum market uptake will be defined. A clear description of possible applications and potential benefits will serve as an excellent basis for the dissemination activities.
Rapportage 2015
Rapportage 2016
Rapportage 2018
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