AF-12190 | Food4Live Solutions

admin2013, Kernthema Gezond en Veilig, Project, TKI-projecten

Projecttitel: Food4Live Solutions
Projectnummer: AF-12190
Kernthema: Gezond en Veilig
Looptijd: 2013- 2017
Budget publiek: € 644.000
Budget privaat: € 615.000
Projectleider: Laurien Ulfman
Projectpartners: FrieslandCampina, VanDrie Group, UMCU, TNO


FrieslandCampina and VanDrie Group aim for a common goal; making the optimal food for the first phase in life to ensure optimal growth and development of a healthy newborn. Two interesting observations triggered this research initiative: 1) breastfeeding and suckling protects against the development of infections in both human and bovine newborns, respectively, and 2) the microbiota of breast and formula fed newborns has a different composition at various sites along the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.

Since the host’s microbiome is assumed important for pathogen-resistance and immune-modulation, and thus for a healthy development of newborns, we hypothesize that the composition of the microbiota of both human and bovine newborns plays an important role in resistance against infections and is steerable through diet. By comparing the microbiota of breastfeeding with novel formula feeding interventions, insights will be obtained on the impact of formula feeding on the microbiota composition of infants and calves. Data regarding health status of infants and calves will be linked with the microbiota profiles as determined by advanced molecular technologies. Integrated models, that link microbiota composition with health outcomes, will provide us with the characteristics of a healthy and beneficial microbiota profile.

By combining both microbial ecology and newborn physiology in relation to health and disease, new leads will be obtained for the development of functional foods and/or ingredients for the infant formula market and the calf husbandry. The resulting reduction in infections will decrease antibiotic usage in calves due to a higher resistance and a healthier start of life in infants through dedicated infant formulas. Optimal food in the first phase of life will set a fundament for health later in life.


Rapportage 2014
Rapportage 2015
Rapportage 2016

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