Missies Zuid Korea MissiesTotaalMissie AMissie BMissie CMissie DMissie EMissie St LEES MEER SMP-23030 | High-throughput phenotyping for developing hyper-yield and climate resilient soybean in South Korea (PhenSoy) LEES MEER SMP-16013 | International Poultry Expertise Centre (IPEC) for safe food production, part I - OneHealth focus LEES MEER SMP-1415 | How to improve the production performance, health situation and sustainability of pig production in South Korea < Terug naar kaart
MissiesTotaalMissie AMissie BMissie CMissie DMissie EMissie St LEES MEER SMP-23030 | High-throughput phenotyping for developing hyper-yield and climate resilient soybean in South Korea (PhenSoy) LEES MEER SMP-16013 | International Poultry Expertise Centre (IPEC) for safe food production, part I - OneHealth focus LEES MEER SMP-1415 | How to improve the production performance, health situation and sustainability of pig production in South Korea