SMP-23034 | Pesticide-free & biocontrol-based chrysanthemum production along the international value chain

Bert van ReesProject

Projecttitel: Pesticide-free & biocontrol-based chrysanthemum production along the international value chain
Projectnummer: SMP-23034
Land: Uganda
Looptijd: 2023
Budget: € 40.000
Projectleider: Marjolein Kruidhof
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University & Research

The long-term goal of this R&D focused SMP project is to ensure future access for chrysanthemum growers to the consumer market. In this project a long-term vision and comprehensive action plan will be developed together with all stakeholders along the international value chain in both Uganda and the Netherlands to foster the production of pesticide-free and biocontrol-based chrysanthemum flowers. During two workshops with relevant stakeholders held in both the Netherlands and Uganda, the most important challenges for each of the links along the value chain will be identified, as well as the possible solutions and the actors that need to be involved in developing these solutions. We will work towards the formation of a consortium (or consortia) to develop project proposals (among which a PPP proposal) in which the most important challenges and possible solutions for pesticide-free production of chrysanthemum will be embedded.

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