SMP-23006 | High quality blueberries from the Peruvian-Dutch supply chain

Bert van ReesPeru, Project

Projecttitel: High quality blueberries from the Peruvian-Dutch supply chain
Projectnummer: SMP-23006
Land: Peru
Looptijd: 2023
Budget: € 40.000
Projectleider: Fatima Pereira da Silva
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University & Research

In the last decade the worldwide consumption of blueberries has increased tremendously. Peru is the world’s leading exporter where the Netherlands is the most important European destination for Peruvian berries. In supply chain there are challenges in managing blueberry quality after harvest, resulting currently in a significant high level of products that are discarded and therefor do not reach the intended market. The objective of this project is to ensure that the blueberry quality of blueberries in the Peruvian-Dutch supply chain is of high enough quality for the European market by introducing innovative quality systems.

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