Projecttitel: Continuous improvement of sustainability of all agro-products sold in the Netherlands
Projectnummer: AF-16140
Missie: Gewaardeerd, gezond en veilig voedsel
MMIP: Waardering van voedsel (D1)
Looptijd: 2017 – 2020
Budget publiek: € 361.000
Budget privaat: € 439.000
Projectleider: Tommie Ponsioen
Projectpartners: Albron, AVV, Benefits of Nature, Elanco, Flora Holland, GroetenFruit Huis, Grodan, PRé Consultants, Sligro, Superunie, Unilever, Wageningen University & Research
In this project, DLO (LEI Wageningen UR) will develop a solid, fact-based and standardised system to monitor progress on sustainability performance of all agro-products (mainly food and ornamentals) sold in the Netherlands. This system will be based on the globally applicable tools developed by The Sustainability Consortium (TSC). The system will be developed and tested in cooperation with a large group of participating companies under the umbrella of the Alliantie Verduurzaming Voedsel (AVV) and FloraHolland. Participating companies will gain insight in the current sustainability performance and the system enables them to prioritize the most relevant sustainability issues and improvement opportunities. By sharing these insights with supply chain partners, companies have a sound basis for discussing the development towards more sustainably produced products. The goal of AVV and FloraHolland is not only to start a dialogue, but also to stimulate continuous improvement of sustainability in the coming years and beyond.
An important advantage of the TSC system is that it is an overarching tool that enables consistent evaluation of sustainability performance of different products. Existing global leading sustainability initiatives – projects, calculation tools, certification schemes, etc. – are incorporated in the system. To adapt the TSC tool to the specific needs of the proposed project, local initiatives will be added. Also, improvement opportunities will be specified to the local conditions and a method for prioritizing improvement actions will be established. The extended tool will be used to monitor performance and to identify priorities and ambition levels for sustainability improvement of all agro-products (food and other agricultural and horticultural products) sold in the Netherlands.
This project is a prolongation of CIS Food NL, a project under the topsector A&F, that started in 2016.
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