SMP-1510 | Export of Dutch fresh fruits to distant markets (China)

admin2015, China, Export, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie D, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Export of Dutch fresh fruits to distant markets (China)
Projectnummer: SMP-1510
Kernthema: Resource Efficiency
Looptijd: 2015
Budget: € 50.000
Projectleider: Alex van Schaik
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen UR
Projectpartners: Agricultural Counsellor Beijing, Economic affairs, Fruitmasters, Frupaks-vernooy, Timfruit, VanAmerongen CA technics, Wageningen UR.


Last year the Dutch trade organizations got permission to export fresh food crops to China, South Africa and Brasil. The governments of these countries  agreed with the Dutch government about this permission to export  Dutch grown fruits. Essential for this permission was the agreement about the phyto sanitary protocols for pest- and fungal diseases. In this application the focus is on export to China because of the longer transport distance and economic possibilities. We expect that the developed innovation and knowledge for China will be applicable for export to Brasil and South Africa.

The first transports of fruits to China are realized in reefer containers. The export was carried out by different exporters and several questions has been identified:

  • The optimum transport conditions for fresh food in containers.
  • Furthermore the initial quality requirements of fresh food crops for the distant market in combination with the chain conditions during transport and distribution are unknown.

To overcome these problems another chain approach could be an interesting logistic innovation. A possibility is to ship the bulk of fresh products ) directly after harvest to China and store the pears in well equipped storage buildings. Than the market in China can be delivered directly depending to the need and quality demands.



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