Seed Money Projecten in Vietnam MissiesTotaalMissie AMissie BMissie CMissie DMissie EMissie St LEES MEER SMP-23024 | Reduction of agrochemical use in Vietnamese ornamental value chain LEES MEER SMP-2112 | Seaweed cultivation in Vietnam for feed and methane reduction in Vietnam LEES MEER SMP-2034 | Possibilities for sustainable climate resilient livestock farming in Vietnamese deltas under pressure LEES MEER SMP-18022 | Future-proof cashew production in Vietnam LEES MEER SMP-17005 | Feasibility of sound animal-based welfare criteria for farmed pangasius and Atlantic salmon LEES MEER SMP-16047 | Nutritional Support of Global Health by production of Bittergourd in Vietnam < Terug naar kaart
MissiesTotaalMissie AMissie BMissie CMissie DMissie EMissie St LEES MEER SMP-23024 | Reduction of agrochemical use in Vietnamese ornamental value chain LEES MEER SMP-2112 | Seaweed cultivation in Vietnam for feed and methane reduction in Vietnam LEES MEER SMP-2034 | Possibilities for sustainable climate resilient livestock farming in Vietnamese deltas under pressure LEES MEER SMP-18022 | Future-proof cashew production in Vietnam LEES MEER SMP-17005 | Feasibility of sound animal-based welfare criteria for farmed pangasius and Atlantic salmon LEES MEER SMP-16047 | Nutritional Support of Global Health by production of Bittergourd in Vietnam