SMP-19081 | Circular eco-feed chain for responsible pork consumption and production at Curaçao

Bert van ReesCuraçao, Missie A, Project, SMP-projecten, Veehouderij

Project title: Circular eco-feed chain for responsible pork consumption and production at Curaçao
Project number: SMP-19081
Requesting country: Curaçao
Year: 2019
Budget: € 40,000
Project leader: Christine Plaisier
Knowledge institute: Wageningen University & Research
Project partners: Ten Have Mellema Varkenshouderij, Princepeel Varkenshouderij, Kipster, Nijsen/Granico, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Government Curaçao, Global Feedback, University of Miyazaki

Curaçao is a net importer of pork. The consumption and import of pork increases over the years, mainly due to the demands by the expanding and flourishing tourist sector. On the island a continuous flow of “food waste/food surplus” derives from the processes in food-service, hotels, hospitality and retailing businesses. Currently, the food waste is sent to the landfill, which leads to a waste of valuable nutrients with negative environmental impacts (like methane production). On the other hand all animal feed needs to be imported which makes animal husbandry relatively expensive. Consequently, the local production and processing sector for meat is organised in a low-tech and small scale manner. The opportunity that will be explored in the project, is to design a small scale circular eco-feed chain for responsible pork production at Curaçao using processed surplus food as a source for nutritious feed, and a source for a premium quality pork meat.


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