SMP-1506 | Food processing facilities in rural India

admin2015, India, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie D, Post harvest, Project, SMP-projecten

Projecttitel: Food processing facilities in rural India
Projectnummer: SMP-1506
Kernthema: Resource Efficiency
Looptijd: 2015
Budget: € 46.000
Projectleider: Auke Schripsema
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen UR
Projectpartners: Ebbens Engineering, Larive, Srijan, Swornajyoti, Women on Wings.


Dutch and Indian companies, knowledge institutes, service providers and NGOs want to explore how food processing centres can most effectively significantly decrease postharvest losses and provide smallholder farmers in rural India with a reliable source of income.

As many projects fail to involve large numbers smallholder farmers, this initiative aims to start small and build on what works. This approach has already been applied successfully by Women on Wings, their pragmatic approach for the textile industry started small in 2007 and already resulted in a steady income for 182,000 women (all smallholders) in India. The parties of this initiative are looking forward to apply these lessons learnt for agro-food, and strengthen it with knowledge of all parts of the value chain from production to sales.



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