SMP-2112 | Seaweed cultivation in Vietnam for feed and methane reduction in Vietnam

Bert van ReesMissie A, Project, Vietnam

Projecttitel: Seaweed cultivation in Vietnam for feed and methane reduction in Vietnam
Projectnummer: SMP-2112
Land: Vietnam
Looptijd: 2021
Budget: € 40.000
Projectleider: Adrie van der Werf
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University & Research

The inclusion of seaweed in feed has the potential to minimise enteric methane emissions of livestock; and provide nutritional and nutraceutical benefits for the animals. Our project focus on identifying and characterising important seaweed species native to Vietnam that provide these benefits for livestock: reducing GHG emissions and increasing animal productivity. Thus, contributing to Top Sector “climate neutral” agenda; and SDGs “climate action” and “Food security”.


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