Ghana Post-Harvest Innovation Centre


Dutch and Ghanaian companies, knowledge institutes and service providers want to explore the feasibility of setting up a Post-Harvest Innovation Centre (PHIC) to reduce losses in Ghana. The PHIC will be a PPP aiming to improve access to technology and knowledge on postharvest issues and supply chain efficiency for chain actors and stakeholders. The following information is needed to take informed decisions:

  • Good understanding of critical points in perishable and non-perishable value chains in Ghana that contribute to losses.
  • Opportunities for SMEs and knowledge institutes to reduce these losses or to valorise waste and side streams (circular food systems).
  • Insights in strategies of the Innovation Centre and the different roles it should play in the field of brokering technology, knowledge, networking, policy implementation, business support, etc.
  • Economic feasibility of setting up a PHIC, including an elaborated business case.




Projecttitel: Ghana Post-Harvest Innovation Centre
Projectnummer: SMP-142028
Budget: € 35.000
Looptijd: 2014
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen UR
Betrokken partijen: Berenschot, Private Enterprise Foundation, NL embassy Ghana, Thermondial, R-biopharm, Eco2, Nijssen Koeling, Bakker Barendrecht, EOSTA.

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