Algae linkages
Wageningen UR carries out several projects aiming at development of Metropolitan Foodclusters in Mexico, a.o. in de state of Aguascalientes. Within this framework a large vegetable processor ( ) and a processor of poultry ( ) jointly want to develop a microalgae refinery to process wastewater and feed the algae to a fish production plant in the framework of this project. They seek co-operation with Dutch companies to develop this innovative system.
Projecttitel: Algae linkages
Projectnummer: SMP132005
Budget: € 35.000
Looptijd: 2013
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen UR
Betrokken partijen: Seamless Innovation, Algaelink bv, Kuipers Kip, Fishion Aqualculture, Feed Design Lab, La Huerta, Nutrypollo, Algae solutions, Dutch Embassy Mexico.
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