SMP-17002 | Food Insight urban China

admin2017, China, Kernthema Klimaatneutraal, Missie D, Project, SMP-projecten, Veehouderij

Projecttitel: Food Insight urban China
Projectnummer: SMP-17002
Kernthema: Klimaatneutraal
Land: China
Looptijd: 2017
Budget: € 40.000
Projectleider: Frans van Dongen 
Kennisinstelling: Wageningen University Research
Projectpartners: Agricultural counsellor in Beijing, COV


A reducing self-sufficiency in pig meat in China in the last couple of years led to a sharply increasing import, not only of low value slaughter by-products, but also of muscle meat. Domestic market prices are high and so are profits for exporters. Other countries in the Far East have seen rising market prices as well. As Russia is not an important buyer of European pork anymore, since the Russian import ban in 2014, export to the Far East was a very welcome alternative.



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