Working area SME & Region: innovative driver of the agri & food sector

Source of turnover and employment

SME businesses are an important source of economic turnover and employment. Moreover, they are the innovative driver of the agri and food sector. The SME share in the sector is around 99%. Therefore, the top sector actively supports valorisation in the SME.

SME innovation and valorisation usually starts locally. The Working Area SME & Region aims at a good interaction between regional entrepreneur groups, better valorisation support from regional and national governments and more effective use of the knowledge available inside and outside the Top Sector Agri & Food.

Innovation brokers

SME businesses can obtain innovation brokers’ support for innovation processes. The innovation brokers can be used for:

  • Helping to analyse innovative opportunities for a specific company
  • Process guidance from idea to business
  • Expanding the network. Every innovation broker has a large network in the business and knowledge institutions segments. They can connect businesses that have an innovative idea with the right expert or business partner.

Contact persons working area SME & Region

Marcel de Groot
Ministerie van EZK