Working area International: new and promising external markets

International leadership

International leadership is one of the strategic cornerstones of the Top Sector Agri & Food. The ambition is to further strengthen the leading position on the world export market for agri and food products. At the moment, approximately 80% of export products go to our surrounding countries within the EU. The growth expectations for the EU are, however, limited. Through the different branches, the sector is mainly aiming at maintaining sales levels and strengthening the export position for small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU.

However, the real growth opportunities for the export sector are outside Europe. The growing world population, increasing prosperity and the associated growth of the food market lie in Asia, Africa and South America.  The Netherlands is world champion in productivity and therefore has a chance to play a leading role in that development. This is particularly intended by Working Area International.  The focus is on the implementation of integrated system solutions, such as export of knowledge and technology for local production. Important here is the added value of the golden triangle: businesses form the value chain, the government ensures market access, and science provides for application of innovations. The past years the strategic emphasis has been on seven key countries with the best opportunities: China, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria and South Africa.

Seed Money projects

The Seed Money Projects assigned by the TKI Agri & Food are an important tool. Through these projects, small and medium-sized enterprises from the agri and food sector are supported to form an international innovative partnership with a view to solving an international problem or exploiting opportunities. Apart from that, the Top Sector annually supports a number of strategic trade fairs and help to give direction to international missions.

Contact person working area International

Maaike Fischer
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

Leo den Hartog