Support and co-financing for your projects
Arrangements, calls and forms
Top Sector Agri & Food supports innovation with a number of its own arrangements and offers co-financing for, for example, EU-projects. We offer companies and knowledge institutions the following opportunities:
- Carrying out (or having carried out) PPS projects
- Participating in larger programmes for fundamental-strategic research
- Taking part in the MIT (Innovation Arrangement Top Sectors for small and medium-sized enterprises)
- Taking part in a Seed Money Project for international cooperation.
- Providing information as to grants and arrangements from third parties
Each of these arrangements is briefly explained below.
MIT (SME Innovation Arrangement Top Sectors)
In the MIT Regions and Top Sectors, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and the regions (provinces) work with a shared toolbox aiming at harmonizing and connecting national and regional innovation stimulation instruments as much as possible.
The toolbox contains the following tools: consultancy projects, feasibility projects, joint R&D projects and knowledge vouchers. Consultancy projects feasibility projects and joint R&D projects are offered regionally; knowledge vouchers were only offered nationally.
Status: this call is open for feasibility projects and knowledge vouchers. The call for R&D collaboration projects opens on June 11.
International Seed Money Projects
Seed Money Projects support small and medium-sized enterprises from the agricultural and food sector starting up innovative, international partnerships. The formation of a consortium is the prime focus point of these projects. A new call is opened each year. A Seed Money Project should be a start-up project (in other words a “seed”), in which a follow-up project is often formulated. A precondition for a Seed Money Project is that a local problem owner (company and / or government) participates.
Status: this call is closed.
Innovation brokers
Innovation brokers assist entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized enterprises in benefiting fully from the developments within the Top Sector. They can answer questions regarding the MIT arrangement, about appealing for a PPP, about support during innovation processes and about regional grant schemes. They can also help you find suitable network partners and groups. The innovation brokers’ details can be found here.