Fish silage, from waste to wealthy proteins for animal and fish feed


The project develops and improves technology for quality fish silage production from fish processing by-products of both marine and freshwater fish species in East Africa (EA). The implementation potential in African countries is tested on a pilot scale and fish silage based feed materials will be developed and tested for broad application. Fish silage production will be able to utilise fish wasted protein in a lower volume, at lower cost and in regions which are not suitable for energy-requiring fish meal production. Therefore the technology development and application strategy provides an excellent tool to make fish based protein sources available in Africa (which are now often of poor quality, costly, or not available) and Europe.

The project research will provide new insights in nutritional value of fish silage as a protein-rich ingredient in fish and animal feeds in different fish species and livestock animals in different farming environments. The project will improve the utilisation of fish silage production based on redefined technologies.

The project will disseminate the research results and findings through a handbook of fish silage technology, flyers, public and/or peer-reviewed publications, workshops organisation in East Africa and other regions. The knowledge to be developed has a broad application worldwide in other countries.


Voortgangsrapportage 2015


Projecttitel: Fish silage, from waste to wealthy proteins for animal and fish feed production
Projectnummer: AF-14321
Looptijd: 2015-2017
Budget publiek: € 260.000
Budget privaat: € 328.000
Betrokken partijen: GEA Westfalia Separator Nederland B.V., IMARES Wageningen UR, Smicon B.V., Kwaliflex B.V., ProZee Techno Services B.V., Rainbow Agro, Selko B.V., Wageningen University Research.

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