Enhancing the South Korean pig supply chain


Zootechnical, animal health, food safety, and environmental performance of the pig sector in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) is problematic. Innovation development, knowledge sharing, and (veterinarian) management in the South Korean pig supply chain need to be improved to tackle the problems related to pig producer performance on these aspects. Using Dutch knowledge sharing and innovations systems and state-of-the-art knowledge on pig husbandry as a basis, this project aims to tackle the problems on these aspects in South Korea, by establishing an innovation and knowledge sharing system between pig producers and between pig producers and supply chain partners.

Three forms of learning and knowledge sharing among pig producers will be tested on their effectiveness in South Korea: mastery learning (by a Pig Development Centre as demonstration farm), cooperative learning (setting up study groups of pig producers), and instruction/coaching learning (trainings to pig producers, extension officers and commercial advisors). These innovations and knowledge sharing interventions will be designed based on the results of a study on learning styles and social competences among about 500 South Korean pig producers. A software tool will be developed for bidirectional information exchange between pig producers and meat industry.

This project will result in improved zootechnical performance, food security, food safety, animal health situation, and environmental impact in the pig meat supply chain in South Korea, due to implementation of the innovation and knowledge sharing arrangements. The project aims to increase farm income, increase zootechnical performance with at least 1 pig slaughtered per sow and year, substantially reduce antibiotics’ use, improve the animal health situation, and substantially decrease CO2 and NH3 emissions.

Dutch pig supply chain companies will be able to strengthen their export position to South Korea, because the Dutch partners can show their knowledge and products to organizations in and around the South Korean pig sector.

Of scientific interest are the learning styles and social competences of South Korean pig producers and the effectiveness of innovation and knowledge exchange arrangements.

Project results can be expanded to other animal sectors in South Korea and to other Asian countries.


Projecttitel: Enhancing the South Korean pig supply chain
Projectnummer: AF-16117
Looptijd: 2017 – 2020
Budget publiek: € 380.000
Budget privaat: € 280.000
Betrokken partijen: Nonghyup Agribusiness Group Inc. (NACF), Built-IT four you B.V. h.o.d.n. Agrisyst, Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (EPIS), Trouw Nutrition, Wageningen University, Education and Competence Studies & Wageningen Livestock Research

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