Knowledge and technology for potato production in China


China is the largest potato producer worldwide. And yet, the country can learn a lot from The Netherlands with regard to the yield per hectare and sustainable crop protection.

How does the project help?
Dutch companies and knowledge institutions help China to improve their potato production in various ways in the project Potato GAP. For example by fighting the pathogen Phytophtora more effectively, improving the quality of the seed potatoes and bringing mechanization to a higher level. Potato GAP China contributes to a better income position for Chinese farmers and stimulates the Dutch export of knowledge and technology.

What has the project achieved?
The introduction of a national decision support system has lead to a more effective way of fighting Phytophtora. Research shows that farmers have to follow the recommendations from this system even more closely by applying appropriate technology and crop protection products. Better storage methods contribute to a higher product quality and less waste during storage.

Project information
Project title: PotatoGAP in China
Project number: AF-12030
Duration: 2013 – 2016
Public budget: € 319,000
Private budget: € 268,000
Project partners: Wageningen University & Research, APH Group, Syngenta, DLV Plant, Dacom

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